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Ulcers in Horses
According to research published in 2005, 63 percent of horses involved in competition sports, ranging from dressage to racing, suffered from colonic ulceration. The research was conducted by Frank Pellegrini, DVM. The study found that 54 percent of performance horses suffered from both gastric and colonic ulcers and that 97 percent of performance horses had […]
Keep Your Gerbil Safe out of the Cage
Gerbils love to run and are very fast runners. Letting your gerbil out of the cage as often as is convenient for you satisfies this instinct. It’s very important to create a safe area where your gerbil can’t fall or escape. Choose a room that can be closed off from the rest of your home. […]
Where does the Degu come from? Degus are a type of rodent which are closely related to the chinchilla and Guinea pig, and although they do bear some resemblance to both gerbils and squirrels they are not closely related to these species. They come from central Chile where they live in semi-arid regions at the […]