If your cat has diarrhea, it’s best to call your veterinarian if it lasts more than 2 days. Be prepared beforehand to answer a number of questions so that your vet can determine the cause of diarrhea.
Some of the questions will include frequency of bowel movements, is your cat straining, is there blood in the stool and is it red or black (this calls for immediate attention), is mucous present, has your cat lost weight, is your cat vomiting.
Is the diarrhea sudden or chronic or intermittent? Do you know if your cat has ingested something it shouldn’t? Have you changed your cat’s diet?
Try withholding food for about 12-24 hours, but offer your cat small amounts of water often. You may also try about a quarter teaspoon of plain yogurt. After this period you can offer your cat a bland diet of some boiled chicken and rice. There is a danger of dehydration so make sure your cat is hydrated. You can use a dropper to give your cat water if she won’t lap it up herself.
If the diarrhea continues, the cause needs to be determined before any treatment can be administered.
Diarrhea itself is not a disease. It is a symptom of an underlying cause. It can have many causes, among them parasites, bacteria, viruses, ingestion of toxins, blockages, allergies, giardia, liver disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphoma or other cancers.
Do not offer your cat any medications without consulting your vet. They can do more harm than good.
Your vet may want to do some tests that involve an office visit, such as a blood count, fecal culture, x-rays. If these tests don’t determine the cause, there are other tests available.
Diarrhea can be dangerous for your cat as it can be sign of serious disease, so it’s important to get help as soon as possible before the condition worsens.