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Support the Pet Safety and Protection Act
Our pets are being sold to research laboratories and under the current law, they are not fully protected. Class B dealers and unlicensed animal dealers are not held accountable for where they obtain cats and dogs they sell to labs. Some of these dealers look for free pet ads, falsify records and steal pets from […]
Tortoise Found Taped to Balloons Finds a Home
In August 2011,a Russian Tortoise was found in Oceanside, California, duct-taped to a number of helium balloons that carried him aloft. The tortoise was finally caught in a tree when a strong blast of wind blew him to the ground. He was rescued and found a new home at Mission Trails Park in San Diego. […]
The majority of lipomas are benign fatty tumors. They usually occur in older or overweight pets. They are mainly located in the subcutaneous tissue (beneath the skin) and are painless. They move slightly under your touch. Unless the lipoma is in a part of the pet’s body making him/her uncomfortable or restricting movement, most veterinarians […]