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DNA Helping Shelter Dogs
The Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA in California has a unique idea to encourage adoption of shelter dogs. The shelter is investigating DNA testing to discover the breeds present in each individual dog. To this end, 12 dogs who looked like chihuahua mixes were chosen and put to the test. Recently, a group of animal […]
Does Your Dog Watch TV
Some breeds of dogs are sighthounds and use their eyes to follow prey. Eyesight in general is not one of a dog’s stronger senses. Dogs have what is known as dichromatic vision. Besides shades of grey and black and white, they see two primary colors – yellow and blue. Old television sets were analog and […]
Book Review-How Dogs Think
“How Dogs Think – A Guide to a Beautiful Relationship” by Immanuel Burmelin Anyone who shares life with a dog knows that they are very capable of thinking and feeling. This book helps you to better understand your dog. It explains ways to stimulate your dog’s mind through discovering your dog’s personality and where his/her […]