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Dental Care for Horses
Regularly checking your horse’s teeth is vital to good health. Since a horse’s teeth never stop growing, problems can be commonly found. Just like humans, horses have 2 sets of teeth. By 9 months old horses have a full set of temporary or milk teeth, 24 in all. Permanent teeth replace the milk teeth over […]
Chinese and Vietnamese New Year
The Chinese New Year which began this February, 2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit. It is a year celebrating home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy and keeping the peace. At the same time the Vietnamese celebrate the Lunar New Year welcoming the Year of the Cat, symbolizing friendship, sensitivity and gentleness. Both New […]
Medicating Multiple Dogs
Many of us share our lives with more than one dog. There may come a time when each dog is required to take some sort of medication, different ones, different doses. One of the problems you may come up against is a dog who spits out the medication. Dogs don’t really care what has been […]