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Funny Pet Videos
Video Pets do the cutest things and sometimes their humans even manage to catch them on film. If you enjoy watching funny pet videos, here are some websites which collect them: CAFA stands for “Cute And Funny Animals.” The videos are not original to the site but rather taken from Revver.com and YouTube. CAFA saves […]
Diskospndylitis (discospondylitis, vertebral osteomyelitis), not to be confused with diskospondylosis which is a degeneration of the spinal column from any cause, is usually seen in middle-aged and older dogs and is the most common cause of back pain. While diskospondylitis (DS) is usually seen in large and giant male dogs, especially German Shepherd Dogs and […]
War Horse (Movie)
In 2011, Steven Spielberg directed a film called War Horse, starring Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson and David Thewlis. The film is based on a novel by the same name, written by British author Michael Morpurgo. The movie follows the fortunes of a horse named Joey and his special relationship with a boy named Albert, who […]