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NCCF Cancer Study
The National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF) is offering a two year study on the effects of supplements on cancer in dogs. The study hopes to show that supplements will halt or slow the growth of cancer. It begins in May 2012. Funds for the study are being provided by Elimay Supplements. Cities involved in the […]
Happy Tail Syndrome
Dogs use their tails as part of communicating their feelings. Their happy greetings lift our spirits too. Some dogs seem so happy-go-lucky, their tails never stop wagging. But this excitement can lead to injury, sometimes serious, known as Happy Tail Syndrome or Kennel Tail. A tail that is rapidly wagging can meet a hard enough […]
Desert Safety for Pets
If you live in a desert area or any hot climate, your dog and cat need extra attention to keep them healthy and safe. Desert wildlife and vegetation can be dangerous for your pet. Poisonous snakes, scorpions and other creatures can make your pet ill or even kill them. When walking your pet, keep a […]