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History of the Generic Dog Name Fido
Fido is a Latin word and means to trust, to confide in, to believe. As it’s not popular, how did it become a name referring to any dog? We have to go back in time to Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. Lincoln suffered spells of depression and as many pet owners do, […]
Frozen Doggie Treats
With hot summer days upon us, we look for frozen treats like ice cream to help us cool off. Dogs enjoy frozen treats too, but no sugar please. Here are some tips to cool down your pooch. Purchase some ice cube trays in different colors and/or shapes than the ones you use for yourself. Cupcake […]
Can Ferrets Catch the Flu
Ferrets are susceptible to flu and what’s more, they can catch the flu from humans. They can also pass the flu on to humans. Ferrets are vulnerable to most strains including A and B flu types. Symptoms to look for: thick clear discharge from nose and eyes, sneezing, conjunctivitis, loss of appetite, weakness, fever. Just […]