Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Portugal Group: Guard dog (livestock and regular) Height: males 22-29 in., females 25-29 in. Weight: males 110-130 lbs., females 100-12- lbs. Life span: 12 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes with early socialization What is the origin of the Rafeiro do Alentejo? The Rafeiro […]
Portuguese Dogs
This is the category page for dogs from Portugal.

Portuguese Water Dog
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Portugal Group: Companion Height: 20-23 in. Weight: 40-60 lbs. Life span: 10-14 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes Now that the First Dog, Bo, is a Portuguese Water Dog, I expect this breed to become very popular. What is the origin of the Portuguese […]
Portuguese Podengo
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Portugal Group: Sighthound, Scenthound Height: large 21-22 in., medium 15-21 in., small 7-12 in. Weight: large 66 lbs., medium 35-44 lbs., small 8-11 lbs. Life span: 12-15 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes Good with other pets: usually but some are dog aggressive & chase other animals What is […]