Cat Health Dog Health

Calcium and Home-cooked Diets

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace minerals are diet necessities in order to maintain the good health of joints, bones and teeth. Bones are a great source of calcium. But home-cooked diets should contain bones. Cooked bones become soft and sliver or whole bones can pose major dangers as they travel through your pet’s system. […]

Cat Health

White Cats and Deafness

Not all white cats are deaf. And white cats are not albino. Due to lack of pigmentation, an albino cat will have pink eyes and be sensitive to light. White cats have genes that carry color. But they have another gene that causes masking of the color. This means that all colors are covered or […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Building Blocks of Pet Nutrition

What are the basic building blocks of nutrients that cats and dogs need to enjoy healthy lives? Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat, minerals, vitamins and water are the basics. Proteins – Cats are true carnivores and need more protein than dogs. The 22 amino acids in protein, 12 of which an animal synthesizes, are necessary for every […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Bladder Stones in Dogs and Cats

Pets rarely suffer from kidney stones, but can have the more common bladder stones. These stones often pass into the urethra. They can be different sizes and there can be one or more. If the stones are small enough, they can be passed. Larger ones can cause an obstruction in the lower urinary tract. There […]

Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health

Should you let your Cat eat grass?

Can cats eat grass? Yes, it’s okay! First, let’s examine why cats like to nibble on grass. No one knows for sure, but it could be that grass-eating helps with the elimination of fur balls. It might also help maintain a healthy digestive system. In the wild, cats eat herbivores so it could be that […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Desert Safety for Pets

If you live in a desert area or any hot climate, your dog and cat need extra attention to keep them healthy and safe. Desert wildlife and vegetation can be dangerous for your pet. Poisonous snakes, scorpions and other creatures can make your pet ill or even kill them. When walking your pet, keep a […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Importance of Urinalysis

Waste products are removed from the body through urination. The kidneys are the filters and pass waste through the ureter into the bladder. Urine is stored in the bladder until the body excretes it through the urethra. It’s important to note the color of the urine. Clear to light yellow is considered normal. If your […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Breakthrough Test for CKD

A large percentage of senior cats and dogs develop Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) or Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) as it is sometimes known. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to pets living longer and experiencing good quality lives. Unfortunately, until recently, early detection of CKD was very difficult and diagnosis was usually in the latter […]

Cat Health

Danger of Medications for Cats

Cats are very sensitive to most medications. Pain relievers that humans and dogs are prescribed can be toxic to cats. They can be up to 5 times more sensitive to NSAIDs (Non-steriodal Anti-inflammatories) than dogs. NSAIDs relieve pain by inhibiting the enzyme, cyclooxeygenase, which produces prostoglandins, fatty acid compounds that have various hormone-life effects. Prostoglandins […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Pet Safety During Home Remodeling

You may be getting ready to have a major do-over on your home. It may be a do-it-yourself job or you’ve hired a contractor. In either case, you’ll have all sorts of tools, paint and other construction items lying about. These items can be hazardous to your pet’s health so here are some reminders of […]