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Alert-Wild Mushrooms in Your Garden
This tip came from a friend who told about a family’s 2 dogs who were poisoned by mushrooms in their garden. The family was not aware that there were any mushrooms growing in their garden. But their 2 pugs found them and ate them. When they became ill after a short time, they were taken […]
Treating Allergic Reactions in Pets
Dogs and horses, more than cats or other pets, have allergic reactions to insect stings and bites. This is probably because they are outdoors more than other pets, especially during the spring and summer months or in warm/hot climates where insects abound. Pets can have allergic reactions to vaccines, insect bites and stings or for […]
Petco Warning on Stainless Steel Bowls
One of Petco’s foreign suppliers has used stainless steel in bowls that contains small quantities of Cobalt-60. Cobalt-60 is a radioactive material used in gauging material among other industrial uses. Petco says that levels of Cobalt-60 in affected products is below State and Federal regulatory limits. Expert testing indicates no health risk to the public. […]