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Breaking Up a Cat and Dog Fight
The easiest way to introduce a cat and a dog is to bring them together when they are both young and new to the family. But this is not always possible. However good your intentions are, even the best of friends can get into a squabble. But don’t allow it to escalate into a real […]
A Solution to Birds Flying into Windows
As the HSUS reminds us, in spring, millions of birds are migrating to their nesting places. Amazingly birds can navigate long distances, many miles, without mishap. While they can tolerate most anything in nature, man-made structures become deadly to them. Plate glass windows are the biggest danger because birds mistake the transparent glass for open […]
Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis in Canines
Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis (LPR) is the most common inflammatory disease in dogs. With LPR, the mucosal lining of the nasal passages become inflamed. Diagnosis is difficult as this is an idiopathic (of unknown origin) disease. Its causes can be varied and may include airborne allergens, nasal irritation through viral or bacterial infections, fungal irritants, immune-mediated, tumors […]