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CPR for Birds
If your bird has had an accident or is ill and suddenly stops breathing, you can help by learning to administer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) before a crisis. It’s very important to remember to try to keep calm, think clearly and act quickly. A bird’s heart is low in the chest cavity and more towards the […]
2015 Resolutions to Keep Your Pet Healthy
When making New Year Resolutions for yourself, keep your pet in mind too. Here are some things you can do to give your pet a happier, healthier, longer life. Don’t overfeed your pet. Obesity leads to many diseases. Feed your pet a species appropriate food of high (human) quality. Exercise your pet according to his/her […]
Animals and Forensics
Veterinary Forensic Science is a growing tool in the battle against crime, both human and animal. People and pets leave evidence behind wherever they go. With DNA testing, even people who don’t have pets can carry clues with them if they’ve been anywhere in contact with a pet. Stepping in urine or feces, entering a […]