Book Review: The Ultimate Pet Food Guide

The Ultimate Pet Food Guide

by Liz Palika

Liz Palika is a renowned dog trainer and animal behaviorist and has written over 50 books about the care and training of dogs and cats. She is the founder of a therapy dog program called Love on a Leash, which brings dogs to nursing homes and hospitals. After the recent recalls of so many pet foods, Mrs. Palika felt it was time to write a guide telling us what our pets should be eating. Some of the subjects she covers are commercial, raw and home-cooked foods, nutritional requirements for dogs and cats, how food affects the health and behavior of your pet. Included are many recipes and diets for pets with special needs. Mrs. Palika discusses all aspects of feeding your pet. We need to be informed about pet food and this book will act as a guide to keeping your pet healthy and happy.

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