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Parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious disease. There are a number of different strains and it is a common infection in the United States. It affects the intestinal tract of the dog. Parvovirus is spread through contact with feces of an infected animal and can survive on many items in the home including dog dishes, […]
Shetland Pony
Shetlands are very intelligent and should be trained to avoid bad habits. They are gentle animals if handled kindly. Shetlands are the perfect size and temperament for small children to ride. Where does the Shetland Pony come from? The Shetland Pony is native to the Shetland Isles northeast off the coast of Scotland and has […]
What illnesses are preventable in cats?
The following is a list of some illnesses that are preventable in cats. If you begin vaccinations at an early age you are giving your cat every opportunity to live a healthy, happy, long life. There is controversy over yearly boosters, whether to give or not to give them. Personally I think it’s advisable at […]