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My Experience with an Animal Communicator
I had just finished reading a book called Animals and the Afterlife and there were lots of animal communicator stories in there, so I decided to research them as I was interested in connecting with my dog Dana, who had died of cancer suddenly on 31st May 2009, to make sure she is okay and […]
History of Pet Fish
Fish were kept as pets already in ancient times. The ancient Egyptians kept fish both as a source of food and for entertainment. Their hieroglyphics depict Tilapia species and Mormyrids. The Chinese began to breed goldfish (from carp) in the 10th century. Goldfish were introduced to Europe at the end of the 18th century. In […]
How Horses Breathe
Horses breathe only through their noses. The belief is that this may prevent dust, dirt and other debris from getting into the lungs. Due to their large size, horses only inhale while the front legs are in stride, not when the legs land. Their lungs do not expand enough to allow oxygen in due to […]