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Are Horses Afraid of Water?
Some horses can be so fearful of water, they may even refuse to cross a small puddle. And no amount of encouragement or coaxing by you will change a horse’s mind. A horse’s fear of water is a common problem and there is a reason for this fear. The placement of a horse’s eyes on […]
Awareness Days
PET BIRTH DEFECT AWARENESS DAY MBJungle Foundation has created a day of observance for pet birth defects. Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day was established in 2014 in order to bring awareness to identification, causes and prevention of pet birth defects as well as how these pets may be treated. This day of awareness was created […]
Should You Change a Parrot’s Name
According to research at Cornell Labs of Ornithology at Cornell University, birds have “signature contact calls” meaning that each bird has its own sound or name. Baby parrots listening to their parents, adopt their own names using similar but not the same sounds. Birds that are not raised do not have the opportunity to create […]