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Eastern Box Turtle
What are some facts about the Eastern Box Turtle? The Eastern Box Turtle is native to the U.S. and can be found from Massachusetts to northern Florida, west to the Mississippi and north to the Great Lakes. They are 5-6 inches in length and can live 20-30 years or more. The Eastern Box Turtle is […]
Preparing Horses for Winter
Cold, rain, snow, ice – it’s that time of year, winter. Believe it or not your horses have been preparing well in advance for inclement weather. Horses begin growing their winter coats when the days start to grow shorter which means way before temperatures drop. How heavy a horse’s coat grows depends on climate and […]
Garden Edging Safety
Spring is finally here and everyone is busy working in their gardens. But you may have a danger in your garden that you are not even aware of. It’s hard to believe that metal edgings for gardens are still on the market. And it’s even harden to believe that people buy them. Even covered, they […]