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April – Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
April is the month and orange is the color. Show your support of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals by wearing the color orange. The ASPCA is sponsoring a number of events throughout the month of April including a contest. Check the ASPCA and animal shelters in your area. Join animal lovers across the country by […]
Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster
The Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster is 3/5-4 inches long. Life span if 1 1/2-2 years. Color is dark grey with a black stripe on its back. In winter the fur sometimes changes to white. Although they are nocturnal, they can sometimes be active daytime for short periods. These hamsters can do well when raised […]
Care of Rabbits in Winter
Rabbits are hardy pets. They enjoy cooler temperatures but shouldn’t be exposed to any weather extremes. If you keep your rabbit outdoors, place the cage in a protected spot like a fence or a wall, away from the wind. The back and sides of the cage should be covered to protect from wind and rain […]