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Why Dogs and Cats Sleep Curled Up
Have you ever watched your pet curl up on a winter’s day, feet tucked in, tail curled round covering the nose? While it may not look like the most comfortable position for your pet, it offers warmth and comfort. The curled position conserves body heat and while our dogs and cats usually have their own […]
Equine Tooth Resorption Linked to a Bacteria
Research, headed by Dr. Sabine Sykora, PhD, of the Equine Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, has found a red complex bacteria present in the early stages of EOTRH – Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption andd Hypercementosis. EOTRH is most commonly seen in horses 15 years and older. The bacteria, designated as red, is part […]