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Keep Your Pet Healthy by Hiring a Dog Walker
Some may not know all that a dog walker will do for you and your pet. In general, a dog walker is someone who will take your pet out for a walk whenever you cannot. Dog walkers usually take more than one dog for a walk at the same time, although you can specify that […]
Prostatic Hyperplasia in Male Dogs
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) occurs when the prostate gland enlarges (hyperplasia). The prostate surrounds the eurethra and neck of the male dog’s bladder. It is called an accessory sex gland meaning that while it does not produce sperm, it plays and important part in breeding. Prostate fluid helps nourish sperm cells, has antibacterial properties that […]
Australian Terrier
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Australia Group: Terrier Height: 9-11 in. Weight: 9-14 lbs. Life span: 11-15 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes with kind children Good with other pets: yes when raised with them Dog of the Month for April This little Aussie is highly intelligent and brave, a good watchdog in spite […]