Having pets does change your lifestyle somewhat. Setting up your house, going out, even staying in, vacations. Here are some ways your life can be different. Your pets seem to have a built-in clock. They won’t let you sleep one minute past the time for morning feeding. Or the time for that last walk at […]
Contents 1 How to choose a name for your pet 2 Popular pet names 3 Unusual and original pet names 4 Famous pet names 5 Changing a pet’s name How to choose a name for your pet Some people would say that you (the owner) are not the one choosing the name for your pet. […]
Here is a listing of books that community members have taken their time to share with the community. Please feel free to add your own insights or other books about pets. Adult Coloring Books – Cats & Other Animals Book Review-How Dogs Think Book Review-The Healing Touch for Dogs Book Review: "Love is the Best […]