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Living with a Deaf Dog
Living with a deaf dog brings additional challenges. It’s a good idea for all of us to study the needs of a deaf dog. While some dogs are born deaf, old age, injury or illness can bring on deafness. Breeds that have a high propensity for hereditary deafness include the Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, […]
History of the Generic Dog Name Fido
Fido is a Latin word and means to trust, to confide in, to believe. As it’s not popular, how did it become a name referring to any dog? We have to go back in time to Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. Lincoln suffered spells of depression and as many pet owners do, […]
A Cool Summer for Ferrets
Ferrets are members of the weasel family (mustelids), a family of mammals that also includes badgers, martens, otters, polecats, minks and wolverines. Ferrets are extremely sensitive to the heat of summer. In the wild they are nocturnal animals and are adapted to cooler climates with temperatures not getting above 60-70 degrees. When temperatures are over […]