ALERT – Delta Airlines Shows Humanity

Since the brutal murder of Cecil the beloved lion of Hwangi National Park, Delta Airlines has made a major announcement.

Delta has banned its planes from transporting trophies from lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards and buffalo – all African endangered species.

Unfortunately, Dr. Walter Palmer, the dentist who murdered and mutilated Cecil the Lion is not the only participant in international trophy hunting. Rich trophy hunters go after large animals to get their names in the record books of the Safari Club International and other such organizations. They build their egos upon the bodies of animals who have no defense against their big guns and technology. They don’t kill for food, they kill to brag about their “prowess” to all who will listen.

In my opinion, these people are cowards and murderers.

We thank Delta Airlines for their decision. In support of Delta, we encourage you to use their airline when traveling.

We hope that othe airlines will follow Delta’s lead.

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