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Eclectus Parrot
The natural habitats of the Eclectus Parrot are the tropical rainforests of the Solomon Islands, New Guinea and Northeast Australia. Parrots are generally tree dwellers, digging a hole in the trunk for nesting. The Eclectus Parrot females range from 383-549 grams; males are 388-524 grams. Length is 12-14 1/2 inches. Lifespan is about 50 years. […]
Goffin’s Cockatoo
Where does Goffin’s Cockatoo come from? The Goffin’s Cockatoo’s natural home is in the forest of the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia. Due to illegal hunting and encroaching civilization, the Goffin’s Cockatoo is on the list of Threatened Species. There are more of these birds in captivity than in the wild. What does Goffin’s Cockatoo look […]
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