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Should I get my son an ant farm?

+1 vote
My son is 7 and is facinated by insects. I'm thinking of getting him an ant farm. How hard are they to maintain?
asked Sep 22, 2013 in Insects by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Choose a common species of ant that doesn't sting and is native to your area such as the black garden ant. You will need to invest in a glass tank with a lid that prevents escape but provides ventilation. You can use sand or soil dampening it gradually so the tunnels the ants create don't collapse. Cover the outsides of the tank as the ants don't want light. There is a tool to help get the tunnels started and can also remove dead ants. Add a few drops of water and a bit of food every few days. Most importantly, be prepared to help your son with the upkeep of the ants and be sure he is ready for the responsibility of a pet.
answered Sep 25, 2013 by (36,420 points)
