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Can you keep a goat in the city?

+1 vote
I was thinking about getting a goat. I live in an apartment with a large balcony. Is it OK for me to get one?
asked Aug 7, 2013 in Mammals by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
It depends on the laws in your city. I don't think an apartment is appropriate for a goat. However if you're willing to walk the goat a few times a day and have an area where s/he can graze, that might work. But goats are herd animals and enjoy the company of another goat. Their poop makes great compost. They are friendly, like to be petted, will walk on a leash and carry packs for you. Careful of dogs though as some might attack your goat.
answered Aug 11, 2013 by (36,420 points)
