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What should I look for in doggie daycare?

+2 votes

There are a few doggie daycares in my area. They all seem good. What should I look for so that I can pick the best one?

asked Apr 30, 2013 in Dog Care by (1,400 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Here are some things to look for in a doggie daycare facility:

*It should be clean with no urine or feces odor

*It should be licensed where required.

*The staff should be experienced and have a good knowledge of pet care including first aid.

*How many dogs does the center accommodate.

*Do they have insurance in case of accident.

*Is there a veterinarian on the premises or on call if needed.

*What sort of playtime is offered, do they have indoor and outdoor time.

*Are food and/or treats provided and is clean, fresh water available at all times.

*Can the staff handle medical emergenciesd and other situations such as aggression.

*If your dog takes medication will they administer it.

Have a test run before signing anything you have read thoroughly to make sure your dog is comfortable and happy. And of course, you must abide by the rules of the daycare center as well.



answered May 1, 2013 by (36,420 points)
