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Why do ferrets stink?

+3 votes
Why do ferrets smell so bad? What can you do to make your ferrets less stinky?
asked Apr 21, 2013 in Mammals by (1,540 points)
recategorized May 1, 2013 by mamairis

1 Answer

+1 vote
Ferrets have a somewhat musky odor due to skin glands that spread oil over their bodies. Bathing your ferret will only force the production of more oil to keep skin and coat healthy. Just don't bathe your ferret often. The easiest way to reduce odor is by spraying your ferret with sprays made specifically for them. When you do bathe your ferret, use a shampoo made specifically for them. When ferrets are not spayed/neutered more oil is produced to attract the opposite sex.
answered Apr 29, 2013 by (36,420 points)
