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Tomato Anemonefish
The Tomato Anemonefish is also known as the tomato clownfish due to its bright orange-red color. It is native to the tropical Western Pacific. The females are about 5 1/2 in., while the males are smaller. Clownfish and Damsels may be aggressive. It is recommended to keep this fish alone or in mated couples since […]
Hydrotherapy Offers Relief To Dog Joint Pain
Dogs with arthritis and dog joint pain have to go through similar stages as people with arthritis and joint pain. There are a lot of similarities between the symptoms, treatment plans, supplements to help alleviate dog arthritis, surgical procedures and other forms of arthritis remedy. Like humans, diet, nutrition and exercise habits are central to […]
Stomach Torsion or Bloat
This occurs when the stomach twists, trapping air and gases and blocking them from escaping. It’s also known as gastric dilation – volvulus (GDV). This can lead to low blood pressure, damage to internal organs, shock. The stomach can feel very hard to the touch. The dog is very restless, may whimper, may try to […]