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Does Your Pet Sleep With You?
If your cat or dog sleeps with you, you’re in good company. The majority of pet owners allow their pets to share their beds. About 56% of dog owners say they sleep with their dogs in their beds, while 62% of cat owners say they do. The practice is more common amongst women, with 25% […]
Cat Allergies
Cats can suffer from allergies too. Often they are allergic to the same things we have allergies to. Airborne particles like pollen or dust can irritate nasal passages and lungs. They can have allergies to certain foods, drugs like antibiotics, anesthesia, household cleaners and deodorants. As with dogs, the most common allergy is to fleas. […]
Zoonoses are diseases which can be transmitted from animals to humans or from humans to animals (sometimes called reverse zoonoses). Most pets can transmit certain diseases to human beings. Some animal diseases which affect humans are Rabies, Ringworm, Tuberculosis and Cat Scratching Disease, Psittacosis, Leptospirosis. Salmonella is also frequently carried from animal to human. Humans […]