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Spaying/Neutering Pet Pigs
Unless you plan on breeding your pet pig, s/he should be spayed or neutered. Males are neutered and females are spayed. Male pigs are usually smelly and very aggressive if not neutered. Neutering helps avoid infections and cancer of the reproductive organs. Male pot-bellied pigs can become sexually active at 4 weeks old and can […]
Bearded Dragon
What are some facts about the Bearded Dragon? The Bearded Dragon is native to Australia. It is an excellent climber and lives in rocky, arid areas. Heads are large and triangular. Bodies are flat with pointy side ridges. Colors can be light tan to dark brown and highlighted with red, gold or blue. When it […]
Diets for Aging Pets
Many people do not know whether or not their pets are considered “senior.” Cats and dogs are generally considered senior somewhere around age 7. For larger dogs, it is more like 5 0r 6 and smaller dogs may not be considered senior until age 8 or 9. At your regular check-ups at the vet, ask […]