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HSUS Reports on Polar Bears
The Humane Society of the United States report – In 2008 the Polar Bear was listed by the Bush Administration as threatened with extinction under the Endangered Species Act. Two weeks later, Safari Club International and other trophy hunting groups filed a federal lawsuit to reopen American borders to the import of sport-hunted polar bear […]
Pets and Black Widow Spider Bites
Black Widow Spiders are notorious for their potent venom which is 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake. Contrary to popular belief, not all species of Black Widow females consume their mates after mating. Male Black Widows are much smaller than the females and their venom is much less harmful. The Black Widow usually […]
German Shepherds – Two Bloodlines
I love all dogs, but German Shepherds hold a special place in my heart. I recently learned that there are two different bloodlines of German Shepherd Dogs, American and German. Former German Cavalry Captain, Max von Stephanitz, was the developer of the German Shepherd Dog, by far one of the most versatile breeds in […]