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Western Hognose
The Western Hognose snake is known by a number of names including the Puff Adder and Plains Hognose. The Hognose has become a popular pet because of its availability, its wonderful colors, patterns and mutations and its ease of care. The Western Hognose was classified in the 19th century as a non-venomous, medium sized, diurnal […]
TV Pets
Many TV shows feature pets as part of the cast. How many of these TV pets do you recognize? Eddie from Frasier – A Jack Russell Terrier named Moose played Eddie on Frasier for 10 years. In order to get him to lick his co-stars’ faces, they had to dab them with liver pate. The […]
Single Women and Cats
We have all heard the stereotype of the single woman who has many cats and showers her love on them in lieu of seeking a relationship with a man. But is there any truth to this stereotype? Statistically, it is not true that more single women raise cats. Households of parents with children are twice […]