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Melanoma Vaccine for Horses in the Works
Approximately 80% of white or grey horses develop melanomas. Melanomas are skin cancers more common to certain breeds – Arabian, lippizzaner and Percheron – who have a high incidence of grey horses. They can be easily detected as they are usually black and found commonly around lips, eyes, ears, salivary glands, anus, penis and vulva. […]
About Doggie Daycare
If you’re away from home all day, Doggie Daycare may solve the problem of leaving your dog home alone. Many dogs become stressed when left alone for long periods. They resort to destroying your house or yard and/or barking and howling, annoying the neighbors. Crate training is one way to handle the situation. But Doggie […]
Spay/Neuter in Ferrets
Some ferret breeding facilities spay or neuter their ferrets before putting them up for sale. There are a number of reasons why a ferret should be “fixed.” With female ferrets, spaying helps prevent mammary cancer, uterine infections, uterine cancer, ovarian cysts. With males, prostate cancer and testicular cancer can be avoided. Female ferrets can become […]