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Keep Your Gerbil Safe out of the Cage
Gerbils love to run and are very fast runners. Letting your gerbil out of the cage as often as is convenient for you satisfies this instinct. It’s very important to create a safe area where your gerbil can’t fall or escape. Choose a room that can be closed off from the rest of your home. […]
African Pygmy Dormice
Contents 1 Appearance and personality 2 Cage and Habitat 3 Feeding 4 Handling 5 Video 6 External Websites Appearance and personality These little creatures are collequially known as micro squirrels and sometimes as the African Dwarf Dormouse, or Woodland Dormouse. Body length is about 9cm with a bushy tail at approximately 7cm. An average weight […]
Grass and Your Bird
Most wild birds enjoy eating grass. And they eat every part of it including any bug who is unlucky enough to be found in the tufts of grass or its roots. Grass has more uses than just food. Birds use grass to build or line their nests. They play toss the stalk with each other. […]