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Book Review: Animals and the Afterlife
Animals and the Afterlife by Kim Sheridan A must read for anyone who has a pet and especially for those who have lost a beloved pet. This book can offer answers to questions often asked such as if animals have souls, do animals go to heaven and will I ever see my beloved pet over […]
Sunbeam Snake
Where is the Sunbeam Snake found? The Sunbeam Snake can be found in Southern China and Southeast Asia. It grows from 30-49 inches in length. The Sunbeam prefers living underground near forests, damp fields and swampy areas. They are easily stressed snakes and like to be left alone. How do I house the Sunbeam Snake? […]
Choosing Toys for Your Bird
Watching your bird play with toys is pleasurable for both of you. Your bird is having fun and exercising at the same time. In the wild your bird can make his own choices to entertain himself. But caged birds depend on their owners to fulfill their needs. There are lots of toys to choose from […]