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Exercising Your Guinea Pig
If your guinea pig has a large cage, s/he will manage to get a fair amount of exercise, especially if the cage is equipped with shelves and toys to keep busy. But guinea pigs do need to exercise their muscles and keep fit and trim. Some out of the cage time is good for them […]
Turtle Health Tips
Turtles do lots of things in the water (aquatic turtles do everything), including using their environment as a toilet. Since many health problems arise due to substandard water conditions, it’s very important to keep your turtle’s water clean. Use the appropriate tank size for the species and the number of turtles you have – larger […]
When Should Your Horse Have Senior Feed
That old saying, “you’re only as old as you feel,” can hold true for horses too. Opinions differ about what age a horse is considered a senior, with 20 years old being the average. But age doesn’t always determine how a horse functions. If your older horse has reached the point where s/he is not […]