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Signs of Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats
Just as in humans, the heart of a pet is muscle consisting of four chambers. Valves separate the chambers preventing blood from flowing back. Blood is sent to the lungs where it receives more oxygen and then travels throughout the body. If dogs develop heart disease, it is usually in the valves, occasionally in the […]
Candyline Basslet
Males and females are both 2 in. This reclusive fish may find Damselfish and Dottybacks react adversely. Minimum size tank is 12 gal. Found in Indonesia. This fish can be kept on its own, in a pair or in a group. It can be shy and will spend a lot of time hiding. List of […]
Food Safety Overhaul Bill
The biggest overhaul of the food safety laws since the Great Depression has passed the Senate. Because of so many food-borne illnesses and recalls in recent years, this bill now allows the Food and Drug Administration to have the authority to recall tainted products on its own, inspect private food processors and set higher standards […]