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High Energy Dogs
Most puppies and young dogs have loads of high energy. People often mistakenly use the term “hyperactive” to describe their behavior. Before labeling your dog hyperactive, he/she should be seen by a veterinarian to make sure it is not a medical problem. Symptoms can include constant motion, being restless in the extreme, tail chasing, frantic […]
What to do when boarding your pet
Kennels can be the best solution when pet owners are traveling, ill or have a family emergency. It is not always practical to take pets on a trip and neighbors and friends may be willing to help but lack the knowledge to care for your pet properly. Choosing a kennel Although most kennels board only […]
Kidney Problems in Pets
Kidneys play a very important part in keeping our pets healthy. They filter the blood, removing toxins, excreting them through the urine. The kidneys also maintain the water and electrolyte balance and produce some hormones which stimulate red blood cell growth. If your pet’s kidneys are not functioning properly, the waste products that remain in […]