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Excessive Drinking in Pets
Excessive drinking in pets should not be taken lightly. Average intake of water for a 20lb. dog is about 3-4 cups. A 10lb. cat drinks about 2-4 oz. or 6 teaspoons per pound. Pets that eat only dry food may drink more. During the heat of summer, pets may drink more too. The larger the […]
Sugar Gliders and Broken Legs
Sugar Gliders, like many small creatures, are fragile. Their bones are small and rather thin and as they are active animals, it’s possible to fracture a leg. There are several different types of fractures, but those that occur most often are a simple fracture and a compound fracture. A simple fracture of the bone is […]
Prevent Hay Fires
Ray Smith, PhD, professor and forage extension specialist at the University of Kentucky, in a publication when at Virginia Tech University that he helped author, stated that the concentration of moisture in hay contributes to the microbial activity leading to hay fires. Smith further stated that before baling, hay should be cured to the proper […]