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Falcons and Falconry
The sport of falconry is believed to go as far back as 680 B.C. in China. It was probably introduced to Europe arouned 400 A.D. with the Huns and Alans invasions. Falconry now applies to all trained birds of prey used to catch game. The term falconer means one who flies a falcon. Austringer is […]
Plumed Basilisk
What does the Green (Plumed) Basilisk look like? The Plumed or as it is better known, the Green Basilisk is native to the rainforests of Central America. It has bright green skin and is 2-2 1/2 feet long. The crest extends from head, back and tail. The tail is 2/3 of the body length. Lifespan […]
Belly Rubs, Scratches and so on
Where does your pet like to be petted? Belly rubs appear to be a favorite with dogs. When I approach, sometimes my dogs will automatically roll over to have their bellies scratched. Another popular spot is way down near the base of their tails. They stand still for that one. Does your dog flinch when […]