Cat Diseases

Feline Emergency – FLUTD

FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease) is a common ailment in cats and can recur. It affects the bladder and the urethra. Some of these conditions include : Cystitis – an inflammation of the bladder which can cause blood, mucous and tissue cells to accumulate in the bladder. Bacterial Infection – Caused by the blood, mucous […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Cerebellar Hypoplasia

Cerebellar Hypoplasia is a disorder occurring in cats and dogs in which the cerebellum is not completely mature at birth. Signs of the disorder are usually seen immediately at birth in cats but may become noticeable in dogs at about 2 months old. There is a related condition called cerebellar abiotrophy in which symptoms are […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Esophagitis in Dogs and Cats

Esophagitis is the inflammation of the esophagus which is the tube that carries food and liquid to the stomach. Aspiration pneumonia (inhalation pneumonia) is a complication of esophagitis. It can occur when your pet is unable to swallow food or liquid which are inhaled into the lungs causing inflammation and infection. Most often the cause […]

Cancer Cat Diseases Diseases Affecting Multiple Species Dog Diseases

Brain Tumors in Pets

Brain tumors usually occur in older animals. They are more common in dogs than in cats. These tumors often metastasize from other cancers in the body. The most common brain tumor is called meningioma. It is slow-growing and gets its name from the meninnges, a membrane which covers the brain and spinal cord. Other types […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Botulism and Pets

Botulism is a type of bacterium. There are 5 different types, the most common being Colustridium botulimae. It is a nerve toxin and all forms cause paralysis. Generally pets can be affected by eating dead animal carcasses, sometimes raw and/or spoiled foods, decayed vegetable matter. Symptoms begin with weakness in the hind legs which then […]

Cat Diseases

Tom and Jerry Syndrome in Cats

For years, senior cats have been known to suffer seizures. The causes have been labeled idiopathic meaning they are unknown. The condition was named “Tom (the cat”) and Jerry (the mouse) Syndrome” by researchers because of Tom’s reaction to loud sounds usually made by Jerry. Tom’s body would jerk involuntarily upon hearing the sudden loud […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Tularemia – Rabbit Fever

Tularemia, also known as Rabbit Fever, is a zoonotic bacterial disease that, fortunately, is rare. It occurs more often in cats than dogs and in young rather than adult animals. It also affects rodents, rabbits, pigs, fish, horses, sheep and humans. Beaver and muskrats can be carriers. Tularemia is usually spread by ticks (American Dog, […]

Cat Diseases

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) can affect cats at any age but is more common in adult cats. While FHS can occur in any sex or breed, purebred cats such as Abyssinians, Siamese, Burmese and Himalayans seem more prone to its development. Although the cause of FHS appears to be idiopathic (of unknown origin), suspected causes […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Horner’s Syndrome

Horner’s Syndrome occurs when there is damage to the sympathetic nervous system. It is a neurological problem affecting the eye and facial muscles and can be seen in both cats and dogs. The autonomic nervous system contains subsystems, one of which is the sympathetic which controls “fight or flight” stress responses of the body. The […]

Cat Diseases Dog Diseases

Thrombocytopenia in Dogs and Cats

Thrombocytopenia can affect both dogs and cats. It occurs when the blood platelet count is very low. Platelets are fragments of special cells that work to see that blood clots properly. If the platelet count is too low, bruising and bleeding occur. Thrombocytopenia can have several causes – low platelet production by bone marrow, increased […]