Oogy: the dog only a family could love by Larry Levin If we need to be reminded of what we can learn from our dogs, Oogy’s story does that and more. Badly abused and maimed, Oogy still has a heart full of love and devotion that he gives to the Levins, his adoptive family. Oogy […]
Book Review

Book Review: Beauty From Brokenness
Beauty from Brokenness: Bits and Pieces of My Journey into Wholeness Constance D. Funk Publishing Works, 2008, $18.00 ISBN-10: 1-933002-80-8 Available: Publishing Works: 1-800-738-6603 Or www.ConstanceFunk.com Reviewed by Carol M. Upton And that is what horses do for me. They leave a trace of themselves. They communicate with their dancing eyes, their bodies, and their […]

Book Review: The Hearts of Horses
The Hearts of Horses Moll Gloss This is the story of a young girl, Martha Lessen, whose love of horses and the American West lead her to become a horse whisperer, taming horses with kindness. It takes place during the First World War, when many young girls and women have taken on the work of […]

Book Review: The Loved Dog
The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller The Loved Dog shows us ways of training our dogs with humane methods. There is never any punishment involved and Ms. Geller’s results speak for themselves. She refutes many of the ideas and harsh practices held by too many so-called dog trainers. We all want our dogs to be […]

Book Review: The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski Wow! A first novel that could become a classic. Part mystery, part fantasy, written with a lyrical lilt, Mr. Wroblewski has done a masterful job. It is the story of Edgar Sawtelle, born mute, and a story of his family’s dogs raised in the Sawtelle tradition. It […]

Book Review: Merle’s Door
Merle’s Door by Ted Kerasote The true story of a man and a dog who found each other in the Utah desert. This is an adventure into the mind of a dog and what we can learn about sharing our lives with these loyal, loving pets. Ted, looking for a companion, found in Merle not […]