Brushing Matted Fur

Often, pets who come into shelters have terribly matted fur. You can prevent matted fur in your pet by brushing regularly, at least once a week. Dogs and cats who spend a lot of time outdoors or simply have the kind of coat such as long hair, that tends to knot should be brushed more often, even daily. Left alone, mats only grow worse.

Choose a comfortable area to groom your pet. Keep some treats handy and while brushing, speak softly and stroke your pet when possible to keep him/her calm. You’ll need a comb, brush and scissors.

Begin at the head area. Comb the fur starting at the tips of the mat, holding down the root area, and gradually working your way up. Pulling apart the mat with your fingers makes it easier to comb out. Continue combing and offer treats every so often to reward the pet for lying still.

Some mats are so tangled that simple combing and brushing won’t work. In this case you may have to cut the mat out with a scissor. Be very careful not to cut the skin. It’s easier to cut the mat out in pieces instead of trying to remove it all at once. You may need to seek a professional groomer’s aid if mats are too bad and you’re concerned about injuring your pet.

Comb and brush out as many areas as you can while your pet is still. Don’t forget underarms, feathers, tail. With seriously matted cases, the pet may become restless. Since you want this to be a positive experience, stop for a while or even until the following day. Take your dog for a walk, play with your cat to use up some of that excess energy after being still a while. Reward your pet with a treat for his/her patience.

If you live in a damp climate, hair and fur tend to mat more often. This means grooming more often.

When all the mats are gone, daily brushing will keep them away for good.

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