In order to treat our pets right, it is helpful to understand why they do what they do, and how to react. Sometimes pets are acting out of natural instinct and sometimes they are reacting to lack of training. Training an animal to behave appropriately involves praise and attention, and giving your pet a positive alternative to the unwanted behavior. If you think your pet is acting strangely, make an appointment with your vet. If attempts at training your pet are failing, you may want to consult with a professional trainer.
- Animal Heroism
- Are You a Good Pet Neighbor?
- Can Animals Sense Disasters?
- Cat Behavior
- Choosing an Animal Behaviorist
- Cuddly Snuggly Pets
- Dangerous Pet Behavior – Pica and Coprophagia
- Do Our Pets Enjoy Being Our One and Onlys
- Do Pets Feel Jealousy and Guilt?
- Do Pets Mourn Lost Friends?
- Does Music Really Calm Pets?
- Does Your Pet Diss Your Family/Partner?
- Dog Behavior
- Fear of Vet Visits
- House Soiling
- How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby
- Is Your Pet Sometimes a Pest?
- Making Eye Contact with Animals
- Nocturnal Pets
- Pets Who Stare
- Rehabilitating Abused Pets
- Relieving Pet Stress
- Teaching Toddlers About Pets
- Under the Covers Pets
- When Pets Sleep Deeply
- Why Do Dogs and Cats Yawn
- Why Dogs and Cats Sleep Curled Up