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New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Care
New Year’s is the perfect time for resolutions. We often make pretty grand ones and then forget about them the next day, but there are some fairly realistic resolutions you can commit to which will make your pet happier and healthier. Here are some ideas: If you haven’t adopted a pet yet, or have room […]
Relieving Pet Stress
Stress – something we would like to avoid, but impossible to do. Our pets are so attuned to our moods that they experience our stress. This is especially true during holiday times, but can happen anytime. We all lead busy lives these days and we rush to prepare our homes for guests (and ourselves), cooking, […]
Should Your Horse’s Hay Be Soaked
Grazing is the mainstay of a horse’s diet. But there are times when grazing is not available and you must purchase hay to make up for the deficiency. Once you’ve decided on the type of hay that’s right for your horse, another question arises. Should you soak the purchased hay and in the process, change […]