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Swissguard Basslet
Males and females are both 3.2 in. Damselfish already present in the tank can be aggressive. Minimum tank size is 6.6 gal. as long as quality of water is well maintained. This fish is found in the subtropical and tropical water of North and South America. The Swissguard Basslet’s diet consists mainly of zooplankton. It […]
When Your Bird Screams
Are you inadvertently reinforcing your bird’s screaming? With our busy lives, we sometimes look for easy solutions to problems, solutions that could exacerbate the problem. My daughter’s Sun Conure, Shemesh, has learned that if he screams (and he’s very loud), he’ll get the attention and treats that he wants. Taking the path of least resistance, […]
Thrush in Horses
Thrush is a painful smelly condition that affects the frog of a horse’s hoof. The frog is located on the underside of the hoof and touches the ground when a horse is standing on soft footing It is shaped like a triangle and extends midway from heel to toes and covers about 25% of the […]