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Book Review-How Dogs Think
“How Dogs Think – A Guide to a Beautiful Relationship” by Immanuel Burmelin Anyone who shares life with a dog knows that they are very capable of thinking and feeling. This book helps you to better understand your dog. It explains ways to stimulate your dog’s mind through discovering your dog’s personality and where his/her […]
Deep or Chronic Pyoderma
The literal translation of Pyoderma is “pus in the skin.” Deep Pyoderma is a serious bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria or even e-coli. Pyoderma can be a Surface skin infection, Superficial which is an infection within the skin or Deep Pyoderma which is an infection under the skin. Symptoms of Pyoderma are rash, pain, […]
Feather Plucking
All birds preen, grooming their feathers daily. The problem appears when a bird begins to pluck out feathers. It’s easy to detect as you’ll see bald spots or feather shafts on the bird’s body. There are a number of reasons why birds pluck out their feathers. Some wild birds use their feathers to line nests. […]