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If you see a dog in a car, is it legal to break the window?

+3 votes
There are a lot of stupid people out there that leave their dogs in the car while they go shopping. It gets really hot in there. If the dog is in danger, is it legal to break the window?
asked Jun 25, 2013 in Dog Health by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
It depends on the laws where you live. Several states in the U.S. have passed laws on the subject. First try to locate the owner who has perhaps gone to a shop nearby. If that's not successful, call 911 or Animal Protective Services in your area.  If nothing works and the dog is in distress, I would not hesitate to break the window and save the dog - it's a small price to pay for saving a life.
answered Jun 25, 2013 by (36,420 points)
